General terms and conditions

  1. Via the website, Time Maze GmbH, Bahnhofstrasse 42, 5400 Baden, hereinafter referred to as "Provider", offers games and events (hereinafter referred to as "Games") to interested persons (hereinafter referred to as "Player" or "Customer", whereby this always also refers to male and female Players and Customers) subject to these General Terms and Conditions (hereinafter referred to as "GT&C"). These Games are held at venues listed on the website of the Provider.
  2. These GT&C apply between the provider and the players and regulate their contractual relationships conclusively. The provider reserves the right to make changes to these GTC at any time. Such changes will be published in an appropriate manner (for example on the website or communicated (for example by e-mail). The GT&Cvalid at the time of the reservation shall apply to game reservations.
    1. Ein Vertrag zwischen dem Anbieter und den Spielern kommt mit der Bezahlung oder Reservation des Spiels zustande. Mit der Buchung anerkennt ein Spieler, diese AGB gelesen, verstanden und akzeptiert zu haben. Zudem bestätigt der Spieler, dass er weder an Klaustrophobie, Epilepsie noch an einer sonstigen, den geordneten Spielverlauf beeinträchtigenden Krankheit, Einschränkung oder psychischen Störung leidet.

    1. A contract between the provider and the customer is concluded with the completion of the booking. The stated quantities and prices can be adjusted by the provider at any time. The provider can withdraw at any time due to scheduling conflicts, errors in the communication of the price or by giving compelling reasons and will refund the customer the full purchase price. The automatically generated response about the purchase, which the customer receives after placing his order, is not to be understood as a confirmation of delivery but only indicates that an order has been received by the provider.
  1. Unless otherwise quoted, all prices are in Swiss francs (CHF). All prices are inclusive of any applicable value added tax (VAT).
  2. Prices are exclusive of packaging and shipping costs and exclusive of any other applicable taxes.
  3. The provider reserves the right to change the prices at any time. The prices on the website of the Provider and according to the price list of the Provider valid at the time of the conclusion of the contract shall apply.
  4. Prices are per player, regardless of the age of each participant. Children under 6 years do not have to pay.
  1. The provider reserves the right to cancel accepted reservations at any time. This does not allow the player to derive any claims against the provider.
  2. Bei den Spielen Beutezug 1847 und Die verbotene Stadt 1901 stehen den Spielern 60 Minuten Spielzeit zur Verfügung, beim Spiel Kaleidoskop 1963 75 Minuten. Erscheinen Spieler verspätet, so verringert sich ihre Spielzeit um die Dauer ihrer Verspätung.
  3. Im Verhinderungsfalle müssen sich die Spieler spätestens 48 Stunden vor dem reservierten Spielbeginn beim Anbieter auf den dafür vorgesehenen Kommunikationskanälen abmelden.
  4. In case of cancellation less than 48 hours before the reserved start of the game, players are obliged to make a payment in the amount of CHF 50.- per reserved game. The player has no right to a refund of the amount paid at the time of reservation.
  5. In case of an unannounced missed game (from one hour after the start of the game), the players are obliged to pay the full price for the reserved games.
  6. If the players finish before the end of the game time or cannot free themselves within the game time by solving all tasks or give up prematurely, they are not entitled to a refund of the game price or a part of it.
  7. Children before the age of 16 may participate only if accompanied by a parent, and the parent will be counted as a player.
  8. The game is generally recommended for ages 14 and up. For younger participants, we ask customers to contact us.
  9. Das Spiel Kaleidoskop ist für Spieler ab 16 Jahren zugelassen.
  10. Die maximale Spielzeit (ohne Instruktion) beträgt bei den Spielen Beutezug 1847 und Die verbotene Stadt 1901 60 Minuten und beim Spiel Kaleidoskop 1963 75 Minuten.

The provider is responsible for compliance with all legal regulations. The provider declares and assumes responsibility that he has the right to carry out the games offered. In particular, he shall ensure that the games do not infringe any third-party rights or other rights (for example, copyrights, trademark rights, patent rights and personal rights, rights of a competitive nature) or other applicable law or morality.


  1. The provider has the right, before or during the match, not to admit one or more players of the team to the match or to exclude them from the match if:

    - No reservation has been made;

    - Rules of the game are violated;

    - instructions of the provider personnel are not followed;

    - Furniture is damaged or stolen;

    - a player's behavior results in the harassment of one or more other players;

    – das Verhalten eines Spielers die Belästigung der Spielleitenden Person zur Folge hat;

    - public order is disturbed or good morals are endangered;

    - a player is intoxicated, behaves inappropriately or aggressively;

    - other legal provisions applicable in Switzerland are violated.

  2. The provider does not have to give any reasons for non-admission to or exclusion from the game. The player cannot derive any claims against the provider from this. In particular, the player is not entitled to a full or partial refund of the game fee.
  3. The Provider reserves the right to have the reception and the gaming rooms (but not the restrooms) monitored by video. This is to ensure the safety of the provider's staff as well as the players. No recordings will be made. By paying the game fee and the associated acceptance of the GTC, the player takes note of the video surveillance and expressly agrees to it.
  1. The players are jointly and severally liable for all damage caused at the venue and in the game room. If objects that were in the game room at the beginning of the game are missing after the game, the players must compensate the provider for this according to the provider's price list. The players shall treat the venue and the game rooms as well as the furniture therein with the utmost care. Any damage must be reported to the provider immediately.
  2. Players have the opportunity to deposit their personal belongings in a lockable box at the game venue. During the game the players keep the key of the deposit box. Any liability for loss or damage to personal belongings brought by players is waived to the extent permitted by law.
  3. In general, players are obliged to follow all instructions of the provider or its staff at all times.
  1. The statutory warranty provisions shall apply.
  1. Players participate in the games basically at their own risk.
  2. Any contractual or non-contractual liability for damages on the part of the provider in connection with participation in the games offered or the related reservation procedure is excluded to the extent permitted by law. The liability of the provider for direct damages is limited to the amount of the game fee.
  3. The above limitations of liability shall not apply to claims based on intentional or grossly negligent injury to life or limb.
  4. Furthermore, any liability for indirect and consequential damages is excluded.
  1. Gutscheine können über die Webseite oder vor Ort erworben werden. Diese können bei der Spielreservation eingelöst werden.
  2. Eine Rückerstattung für Gutscheine ist nicht möglich. Ebenso können diese nicht gegen Bargeld eingetauscht werden.
  3. Ab Kaufdatum ist ein Gutschein für 5 Jahre gültig. Danach verfällt der Gutschein.
  1. The provider is entitled to all rights to the products, services and any trademarks or is authorized to use them by the owner. Neither these terms and conditions nor the associated individual agreements have the transfer of any intellectual property rights as their content, unless this is explicitly mentioned. In addition, any further use, publication and making available of information, images, texts or anything else that the customer receives in connection with these provisions is prohibited, unless it is explicitly approved by the provider. If the customer uses content, texts or pictorial material in connection with the provider to which third parties have a property right, the customer must ensure that no property rights of third parties are violated.
  1. The provider may process and use the data recorded in the course of concluding the contract for the purpose of fulfilling the obligations arising from the contract. The provider shall take the measures required to secure the data in accordance with the statutory provisions. The Player fully agrees to the storage and contractual use of his data by the Provider and is aware that the Provider is obliged and entitled to disclose information of the Player to these or third parties by order of courts or authorities. If the player has not expressly prohibited it, the provider may use the data for marketing purposes. The data necessary for the performance of services may also be disclosed to contracted service partners or other third parties. Furthermore, the data protection provisions shall apply.
  1. These GTC take precedence over all older provisions and contracts. Only provisions from individual contracts which still specify the provisions of these GTC shall take precedence over these GTC.

Should any provision of this contract or any supplement thereto be or become invalid, this shall not affect the validity of the remainder of the contract. The contracting parties shall replace the invalid provision with a valid provision that comes as close as possible to the intended economic purpose of the invalid provision. The same shall apply to any loopholes in the contract.

  1. Both parties, as well as their auxiliary persons, undertake to treat all information submitted or acquired in connection with the services as confidential. This obligation remains in force even after the termination of the contract.
  2. Foto- und Videoaufnahmen sind in den Spielen nicht erlaubt (Empfangsbereich ist hiervon ausgeschlossen). Um Missverständnisse zu vermeiden, empfiehlt Time Maze sämtliche private elektronischen Medien während des Spiels eingepackt zu belassen.  
  3. Die Spieler verpflichten sich dazu, die Inhalte der Räume geheim zu halten und Dritten, die den Raum noch nicht gespielt haben, nicht offenzulegen.
  4. Jeder Spieler akzeptiert, dass die Spiele, Raumkonzepte, Story Designs und Effekte Eigentum von Time Maze darstellen und nicht kopiert oder für eigene Zwecke genutzt werden dürfen.
  5. Time Maze behält sich bei Verstössen vor, rechtliche Schritte einzuleiten.


  1. If the timely performance by the provider, its suppliers or third parties involved becomes impossible as a result of force majeure, such as natural disasters, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, avalanches, thunderstorms, storms, wars, riots, civil wars, revolutions and uprisings, terrorism, sabotage, strikes, nuclear accidents or reactor damage, the provider shall be released from the performance of the affected obligations for the duration of the force majeure and a reasonable start-up period after its end. If the force majeure lasts longer than 30 (thirty) days, the provider may withdraw from the contract. The Provider shall fully reimburse the Customer for any payment already made.
  1. Sollten einzelne Bestimmungen dieses Vertrages unwirksam oder undurchführbar sein oder werden, so bleibt dadurch die Wirksamkeit des Vertrages im Übrigen unberührt. Die Vertragsparteien werden die unwirksame Bestimmung durch eine wirksame Bestimmung ersetzen, die der beabsichtigten wirtschaftlichen Zielsetzung der ungültigen Bestimmung am nächsten kommt.
  2. Die unter Punkt 1 genannte Massnahme gilt entsprechend für den Fall, wenn sich der Vertrag als lückenhaft erweist.
  1. These GTC are subject to Swiss law. Unless mandatory statutory provisions prevail, the court at the registered office of the provider shall have jurisdiction. The provider is free to bring an action at the defendant's place of business. The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (SR is explicitly excluded.

Version 1.1 – Aktualisiert am 31.07.2023